Saturday, November 19, 2011

This Face

This face,
is the face of a mother.
In it you will see tender lines.
Mostly from smiles but
a few from worries untold.

This face,
is the face of a child of God.
The love sent down from heaven
have lit up this face too many times to number.

This face,
is the face of a woman.
A woman who has worked
hours on end in preparation
for her new arrival.
A woman surrounded by family
and friends who kept her going this week.

This face,
is the face of things to come.
In the upcoming weeks this face
will see sorrow and joy.
Pain and peace.

This face,
is the face of a newly adoptive mother.
A face that just can't wait
to be pictured with this gorgeous face!

I wanted to take a moment to say,
we're running like crazy people
and singing GOD'S praises all the way.
Thanks for all your sweet words & prayers.
Please continue to pray for Emily Margaret.
That the sorrow she feels over the loss of the life she knows,
will quickly be soothed by the love of her family.
This has been a long time coming,
and I'm glad to see we're getting to the good part. :)

God's blessings, Emily Margaret's Mama <3


Our Family said...

beautiful, touching words from a beautiful lady!
We love you and yours and will be praying without ceasing!
Can't wait to get a glimpse at her too!

Love ya!

Unknown said...

<3 I'm glad, too, that you've made it to the Good Part.
It's going to happy Way Too Quickly from here on out.
And her stance in that photo IS such personality =)